Clinical Supervision is an important part of professional competence and development in therapeutic work. Clinical Supervision is designed to assist and support you in your professional development and self care.
The new College of Registered Psychotherapists Ontario (CRPO) recommends supervision to all of their members.
Topics covered in Clinical Supervision
- Client case review
- Dynamics between therapist and client
- Transference/counter transference issues
- Ethical issues, including dual relationships
- Boundary issues/creating good boundaries
- Safe and effective use of self/disclosure
- Diagnostic discussion
- Interventions and when to use them
- Theoretical support and discussion
- Professional development
- Legal issues
- Contractual issues, including fees charged
- Self care
- Professional competencies in practice
- Writing professional case notes
I offer supervision and consultative support for psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors, social workers and other professionals.
Supervision can be provided individually, in groups as well as in reflective practise. I have extensive experience supervising in community- based health models and private practise. I am a Registered Psychotherapist and a Canadian Counselling Certified Supervisor.